Thursday, April 8, 2010

Unforgettable pg 129-135

I followed Motorcycle Boy to the Pet Shop that we had been at earlier in the day. I was there with him when he broke into the Pet Shop. At first I could not understand why he was doing it. I told him I would give him money if he needed it. My brother never answered me. He just had this calm look on his face. He let all the animals out of their cages and was on his way to take the Rumble Fish to the river. I heard many sirens and saw flashing lights. I was never so scared of anything in my whole life. My knees began to buckle and I cried. Everything started to go into a blur until I heard the shot. I ran as quickly as I could to the river and there was the Motorcycle Boy dead. The colors were gone. All things became black and gray. I felt pain in my head that I never felt in my whole life. I began to shake and I felt so alone. My world was forever changed. My hero, the person I admired for so long was taken away in an instant. It is just so much easier for me to forget than to think about the past. That is why I just cannot meet Steve for dinner. It is too painful to relive.

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