Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Sly Fox pg.116-120

After leaving Steve's house, I decided to go to Benny's. Patty came in and I asked her if she was looking for me. She said that she wasn't. Next thing I know in comes Smokey Bennet and sits in the booth with her. I knew that everyone was just waiting for me to fight him but I just told him that I wanted to talk to him instead. He came outside with me and I asked him if this whole thing at the lake was a big plan to get Patty mad at me so he could have her. He admitted to me that it was. I was kind of surprised at myself that I stayed calm through the whole conversation. I told him that was a smart thing to do. I would never think to do something like that. I guess he outsmarted me. I guess I'm not the total package like Motorcycle Boy. I might be the toughest guy around but I'm not the smartest.

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