Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Out of Body Experience pg.91-97

Tonight I was watching Motorcycle Boy shoot pool. He won his game. I was sitting down with Steve. I turned to look for Motorcycle Boy and he was gone. It was just Steve and me. I figured he forgot we were with him like he sometimes did. We decided to leave and walk down the street. I did not know where we were but I decided to walk toward the river. I kept thinking I was seeing someone out of the corner of my eye, but I never saw anybody following us. We were moving pretty fast when two guys came out and blocked the alley. One was black and the other was white. The black man had something in his hand like a tire tool. Steve thought we were going to die. We froze there because we knew that were alone with no one to help us. The white guy asked us if we had bread. I began to picture how I was going to die. I thought about what people might say at my funeral. My father would say, "What a strange way to die." I did not think my mother would even know about it and Benny would think it was cool. I thought about running away until the black guy hit me in the head. Next thing I know I am looking down on myself. I felt like I was floating in the air. I was looking down at the three of them. I heard the black guy say that he killed me so he might as well kill Steve too. I even saw my body lying in the street. This was weird! I tried really hard to get back to my body. I did not want to be up in the air anymore. I knew that I made it back to my body because I was in so much pain.

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