Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bad Luck pg.61-69

I had a crazy afternoon today. It first started out when I walked into school at one o'clock. When I first showed up there I had to check in the office. I Told them I was not feeling good in the morning and I was fine now. I knew they did not believe me but I did not want to tell them I was at party til five in the morning the night before. Instead of giving me a pass to class they sent me to see Mr Harrigan the guidence counselor. I was told that the school will not tolerate my behavior anymore. The school was expelling me and they made arrangments for top transfer to Cleveland High. Biff Wilcox 's gang ran Cleveland High and I was afraid to go there. I told Mr Harrigan that I dont want to go to school there. He told me that Cleveland High was equipped for my kind. He told me I was going to start class on Monday and I was suspended until then. I said to him I am not going. He told me an alternative was the Youth Dentention Center. I figured I would have weeks before they come looking for me. Another crazy thing that happend was Patty dumped me. She had about the party at the lake from Marsha Kirk. She heard I was with another girl. She told me she never wants to see my face again. I was confused and I felt kind of funny. My throat was tight and i had trouble breathing. I thought i would be ok in a bite.

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