Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Movies pg.78-84

Today I suggested to both Steve and Motorcycle Boy we should go see a movie. We were passing by advertisement posters. I thought the movies looked good. Steve thought it was a good idea until you had to be eighteen to see the movie. Motorcycle Boy bought three tickets and handed both of us one. I was excited to see the movie because I knew that I was too young to really see it. I told Steve I was here before and the place was raided. He did not understand what I meant and he would not shut up. I told him to relax and nothing was going to happen. I made the guy sitting ahead of me move over two seats because I put my feet on the back of his chair. I like having power over people. Motorcycle Boy thought that was pretty good work. I love to impress Motorcycle Boy. The movie had started and I pointed out to Steve that Motorcycle Boy was not watching the movie. Instead he was watching the people in the audience. I could not understand why he did this. There were many things about Motorcycle Boy that I did not understand. When we began walking down the street after the movie I wondered why I liked lots of people and all the noise in this part of town. When I am alone I feel tight like being choked up all over. Here I felt kind of relaxed. Motorcycle Boy told me a story about our mother. She left when I was two and took Motorcycle Boy with her. He also told me our father was drunk for three days when he found out. He left me in the house alone for three days. I was trying to understand it but I was still confused. Motorcycle Boy thinks that this is probably the reason why I hate being alone. I never knew this before tonight.

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