Thursday, April 8, 2010

Unforgettable pg 129-135

I followed Motorcycle Boy to the Pet Shop that we had been at earlier in the day. I was there with him when he broke into the Pet Shop. At first I could not understand why he was doing it. I told him I would give him money if he needed it. My brother never answered me. He just had this calm look on his face. He let all the animals out of their cages and was on his way to take the Rumble Fish to the river. I heard many sirens and saw flashing lights. I was never so scared of anything in my whole life. My knees began to buckle and I cried. Everything started to go into a blur until I heard the shot. I ran as quickly as I could to the river and there was the Motorcycle Boy dead. The colors were gone. All things became black and gray. I felt pain in my head that I never felt in my whole life. I began to shake and I felt so alone. My world was forever changed. My hero, the person I admired for so long was taken away in an instant. It is just so much easier for me to forget than to think about the past. That is why I just cannot meet Steve for dinner. It is too painful to relive.

The Sly Fox pg.116-120

After leaving Steve's house, I decided to go to Benny's. Patty came in and I asked her if she was looking for me. She said that she wasn't. Next thing I know in comes Smokey Bennet and sits in the booth with her. I knew that everyone was just waiting for me to fight him but I just told him that I wanted to talk to him instead. He came outside with me and I asked him if this whole thing at the lake was a big plan to get Patty mad at me so he could have her. He admitted to me that it was. I was kind of surprised at myself that I stayed calm through the whole conversation. I told him that was a smart thing to do. I would never think to do something like that. I guess he outsmarted me. I guess I'm not the total package like Motorcycle Boy. I might be the toughest guy around but I'm not the smartest.

Burned Bridges pg 110-114

Steve was my very best friend. I never let anyone beat him up or ever asked him for money. I just had this scared feeling and needed him to help me but he just would not. He told me that he had tried to help me for a long time but he had to think of himself right now. I wanted him to stay with me while I follow Motorcycle Boy. I just felt that something was not right. I told Steve that he would not take us across the river anymore but that did not seem to matter to him. I became really mad when he said my brother was nuts. He was not nuts! He was cool. He was the guy that I wanted to become. Steve did not understand. Why was he telling me that I should stay away from him. I have had it with Steve. I will never see him again.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Out of Body Experience pg.91-97

Tonight I was watching Motorcycle Boy shoot pool. He won his game. I was sitting down with Steve. I turned to look for Motorcycle Boy and he was gone. It was just Steve and me. I figured he forgot we were with him like he sometimes did. We decided to leave and walk down the street. I did not know where we were but I decided to walk toward the river. I kept thinking I was seeing someone out of the corner of my eye, but I never saw anybody following us. We were moving pretty fast when two guys came out and blocked the alley. One was black and the other was white. The black man had something in his hand like a tire tool. Steve thought we were going to die. We froze there because we knew that were alone with no one to help us. The white guy asked us if we had bread. I began to picture how I was going to die. I thought about what people might say at my funeral. My father would say, "What a strange way to die." I did not think my mother would even know about it and Benny would think it was cool. I thought about running away until the black guy hit me in the head. Next thing I know I am looking down on myself. I felt like I was floating in the air. I was looking down at the three of them. I heard the black guy say that he killed me so he might as well kill Steve too. I even saw my body lying in the street. This was weird! I tried really hard to get back to my body. I did not want to be up in the air anymore. I knew that I made it back to my body because I was in so much pain.

California Mom p85-89

Tonight I felt overwhelmed after Motorcycle Boy told me that he saw our mom. I could not believe the fact he really saw her. I never knew her and just always considered her to be dead because no one ever talked about her. When my brother told me that he saw her I began to wonder what she was like. I thought for sure that she must have asked about me but Motorcycle Boy did not say that she did. I became sort of angry and pushed an old drunk guy into the wall. It was a stupid thing to do. I just do not understand why Motorcycle Boy would not tell me that he was going to California when he left. He just never tells me anything. I do not really understand him.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Movies pg.78-84

Today I suggested to both Steve and Motorcycle Boy we should go see a movie. We were passing by advertisement posters. I thought the movies looked good. Steve thought it was a good idea until you had to be eighteen to see the movie. Motorcycle Boy bought three tickets and handed both of us one. I was excited to see the movie because I knew that I was too young to really see it. I told Steve I was here before and the place was raided. He did not understand what I meant and he would not shut up. I told him to relax and nothing was going to happen. I made the guy sitting ahead of me move over two seats because I put my feet on the back of his chair. I like having power over people. Motorcycle Boy thought that was pretty good work. I love to impress Motorcycle Boy. The movie had started and I pointed out to Steve that Motorcycle Boy was not watching the movie. Instead he was watching the people in the audience. I could not understand why he did this. There were many things about Motorcycle Boy that I did not understand. When we began walking down the street after the movie I wondered why I liked lots of people and all the noise in this part of town. When I am alone I feel tight like being choked up all over. Here I felt kind of relaxed. Motorcycle Boy told me a story about our mother. She left when I was two and took Motorcycle Boy with her. He also told me our father was drunk for three days when he found out. He left me in the house alone for three days. I was trying to understand it but I was still confused. Motorcycle Boy thinks that this is probably the reason why I hate being alone. I never knew this before tonight.

Bad Luck pg.61-69

I had a crazy afternoon today. It first started out when I walked into school at one o'clock. When I first showed up there I had to check in the office. I Told them I was not feeling good in the morning and I was fine now. I knew they did not believe me but I did not want to tell them I was at party til five in the morning the night before. Instead of giving me a pass to class they sent me to see Mr Harrigan the guidence counselor. I was told that the school will not tolerate my behavior anymore. The school was expelling me and they made arrangments for top transfer to Cleveland High. Biff Wilcox 's gang ran Cleveland High and I was afraid to go there. I told Mr Harrigan that I dont want to go to school there. He told me that Cleveland High was equipped for my kind. He told me I was going to start class on Monday and I was suspended until then. I said to him I am not going. He told me an alternative was the Youth Dentention Center. I figured I would have weeks before they come looking for me. Another crazy thing that happend was Patty dumped me. She had about the party at the lake from Marsha Kirk. She heard I was with another girl. She told me she never wants to see my face again. I was confused and I felt kind of funny. My throat was tight and i had trouble breathing. I thought i would be ok in a bite.